The conventional American residential or commercial building is almost entirely composed of manufactured materials of one kind or another from start to finish. From dimensional lumber, steel, concrete, plastics in countless forms, and other petroleum products, to the carpets, lacquered oak, and so called "green" of processed bamboo, the construction "industry" is a toxic and energy gobbling conglomerate adept only at meaningless repetition.
And it imbalances the Universal System on which we all depend for sustenance.
The resulting "efficient to build but unconscious" housing or office units are at the same time insulating and disturbing to the subtle and physical body of the human inhabitant. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is becoming common place and is only one of many symptomatic expressions of our growing allergy to our built environment. Children are particularly hard hit because of their immature and vulnerable systems. Psychological as well as physical disorders are rising drastically and can be partially attributed to the over stimulation of our powerfully over electrified and electromagnetic residences, and their often extreme toxicity.
The conventional construction still wastes energy, water, and space resources at alarming rates whether inhabited or not.
Only the top end custom models allow a worker's soul to shine forth in the craftsmanship required to finish them. The production line mentality of mass production easily denigrates those who build them, turning workers into "wage slaves" of the material world.
Constructing with native materials creatively effects all of these concerns.
A native material is one that is both in its natural state and local to the building site. The closer a material is to these two qualifiers, the more native it is, and the less it is likely to cause imbalance in the Universal System. In fact, these native materials can cause our system to be more finely balanced. As an example, remember how you feel when wearing cotton, wool, silk, hemp, gold, silver, and copper, in contrast to wearing rayon, Lycra, poly pro fleece, nylon, and other petroleum products. Wood, stone, clay, glass, natural fibers - all feel comfortable.
What is that all about?
Basically, natural materials breathe the universal breath; they can decay,they are irregular shapes, they are smaller pieces, they are dense or granular, and they are ALIVE.
The breath is spirit... the essence of the physical body's life. We can stop eating, drinking, sleeping, etc., but when we stop breathing we die... when we revoke our spirit we die. The quality of our breathing determines the vitality of the spirit in our body and our ability to be consciously connected with our origin.
Our homes must breathe the cosmic breath.
Native materials are often free or cheap if they can be harvested by the user, and require labor input to be prepared for installation. Skill, craftsmanship, and will forces are developed in building with native materials. Exceptional materials like gold, silver, copper, and glass don't breathe or decay the same, but they nobly conduct elemental forces into our sphere providing light, inspiration, and life force through our creative expressions in their use.
Building with native materials is regenerative for all who participate; particularly when hand tools are used to work the materials and join them.
Minimizing machinery on the work site is a worthy goal for several reasons.
1) The bigger the machine, the bigger the mess.
Although a backhoe can make a big hole or a trench real fast, they are very large and heavy quickly turning ground to mud, dust, and obliterated trees, plants and wildlife.
( more soon)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Why build a spiral dwelling?
There are several things about this dwelling's design and construction methods that are different from others. One that is most striking is the spiral form of its footprint.
What is to be gained from this configuration? Is it simply a whimsical artistic flourish or does it have purpose?
It is remarkable to consider how much is to be gained from applying this shape to the building:
1) strength
2) economy
3) soul utility
Strength: A curved wall is less apt to crack or topple than a straight wall of equal size. A simple two dimensional curve creates resistance to both horizontal as well as vertical forces that a straight plane does not possess. Find a playing card, and try to stand it on edge without bending it into a curve... IMPOSSIBLE! A flat wall is inherently unstable. A curved wall that creates a closed form ( circle, ellipse, spiral... ) becomes an inter-supporting contiguous unit. Wind and water forces will move around a closed curved form with minimal friction unable to exert much force upon it. Earth quake will also have less effect; especially if the building is NOT fastened to an immovable foundation.
The building must be allowed to float upon its footings like the great centuries old domed mosques of earth quake prone regions of the middle east.
Economy: A circular form uses less material to enclose a given amount of space. This building has a circumference of 70 feet and encloses 390 square feet. A square with a perimeter of 70 feet ( four sides of 17.5 feet ) has a 306.25 square foot print. That's a difference of 21% ! The round structure has over 20% more room for the same amount of wall material. That also translates to less roof, and foundation, and floor, and windows, and wiring, and plumbing... well, you get the picture. This particular dwelling is also built out of limestone block which means that once the 6"x8"x22" blocks are all " laid up", the walls are done. No dry wall, no siding, no painting, no stucco... well, you get the picture.
Soul utility: Here I'm talking about the play and influence of the seen and unseen forces of spatial geometry and cosmic dynamics on the human soul and how these forces affect our etheric bodies and evolutionary potential. This particular spiral dwelling has many aspects of its design and construction that influence the inhabitants in this way, but here I will comment only upon the spiral form of the walls. Curvilinear forms are the rule in the nonhuman world of matter, and impose a sense of the infinite into our mind's thinking. We cannot perceive the end point of anything in nature because it is bending, and growing or metamorphing, and atomically infinite ; so a kind of question lives in our soul when we observe the natural world.This questioning in turn nourishes our own growth and metamorphing through a deep connectedness to the cosmic oneness of the whole universal system.
So when our dwellings reflect the macro cosmic truth of evolutionary forces and forms, we can relax in a way that allows the soul to " feel at home", and be more accessible for cultivation. The spiral form is expressed many places in the creation from galaxies to snail shells. Our bodies feel this spiraling dynamism, and to enter such a dwelling creates both comfort and stimulus within the mind and soul.
Because of the spiral wall form, one feels a welcoming flow of energy upon entering the building which becomes a vitalizing sense of counterclockwise movement through the space... as if the building is taking a breath as we walk through the door.
The reciprocal configuration of the rafters(see photo at the end of blog) which form the ceiling and roof create a spiral as well, but in the opposite (clockwise) direction. Located in the center of the roof is an occulus through which light and sky energy streams into the dwelling and mixes with the earth energetic and essence coming up through the adobe floor and stone walls.
The interior of this dwelling integrates the cosmic life forces for creative human habitation and soul development.
What is to be gained from this configuration? Is it simply a whimsical artistic flourish or does it have purpose?
It is remarkable to consider how much is to be gained from applying this shape to the building:
1) strength
2) economy
3) soul utility
Strength: A curved wall is less apt to crack or topple than a straight wall of equal size. A simple two dimensional curve creates resistance to both horizontal as well as vertical forces that a straight plane does not possess. Find a playing card, and try to stand it on edge without bending it into a curve... IMPOSSIBLE! A flat wall is inherently unstable. A curved wall that creates a closed form ( circle, ellipse, spiral... ) becomes an inter-supporting contiguous unit. Wind and water forces will move around a closed curved form with minimal friction unable to exert much force upon it. Earth quake will also have less effect; especially if the building is NOT fastened to an immovable foundation.
The building must be allowed to float upon its footings like the great centuries old domed mosques of earth quake prone regions of the middle east.
Economy: A circular form uses less material to enclose a given amount of space. This building has a circumference of 70 feet and encloses 390 square feet. A square with a perimeter of 70 feet ( four sides of 17.5 feet ) has a 306.25 square foot print. That's a difference of 21% ! The round structure has over 20% more room for the same amount of wall material. That also translates to less roof, and foundation, and floor, and windows, and wiring, and plumbing... well, you get the picture. This particular dwelling is also built out of limestone block which means that once the 6"x8"x22" blocks are all " laid up", the walls are done. No dry wall, no siding, no painting, no stucco... well, you get the picture.
Soul utility: Here I'm talking about the play and influence of the seen and unseen forces of spatial geometry and cosmic dynamics on the human soul and how these forces affect our etheric bodies and evolutionary potential. This particular spiral dwelling has many aspects of its design and construction that influence the inhabitants in this way, but here I will comment only upon the spiral form of the walls. Curvilinear forms are the rule in the nonhuman world of matter, and impose a sense of the infinite into our mind's thinking. We cannot perceive the end point of anything in nature because it is bending, and growing or metamorphing, and atomically infinite ; so a kind of question lives in our soul when we observe the natural world.This questioning in turn nourishes our own growth and metamorphing through a deep connectedness to the cosmic oneness of the whole universal system.
So when our dwellings reflect the macro cosmic truth of evolutionary forces and forms, we can relax in a way that allows the soul to " feel at home", and be more accessible for cultivation. The spiral form is expressed many places in the creation from galaxies to snail shells. Our bodies feel this spiraling dynamism, and to enter such a dwelling creates both comfort and stimulus within the mind and soul.
Because of the spiral wall form, one feels a welcoming flow of energy upon entering the building which becomes a vitalizing sense of counterclockwise movement through the space... as if the building is taking a breath as we walk through the door.
The reciprocal configuration of the rafters(see photo at the end of blog) which form the ceiling and roof create a spiral as well, but in the opposite (clockwise) direction. Located in the center of the roof is an occulus through which light and sky energy streams into the dwelling and mixes with the earth energetic and essence coming up through the adobe floor and stone walls.
The interior of this dwelling integrates the cosmic life forces for creative human habitation and soul development.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Ecosophy Community stands on the shoulders of Greatness
Torrents of rain have washed and cooled Austin today and I've chosen to be inside. Where I lived in the four corners area during the last 20 years, rain was always a welcome guest amid the constant arid extreme. It is as dry there as it is humid here. In fact, the natives consider the snow and rain to be a sacred blessing from the Gods and a sign that all is in balance.
Deep Ecology, developed originally by Norwegian philosopher Arne Naes, is the practical study of the inter-connectedness of all life which lead to the Gaea Hypothesis from biologists. It points to the incredible complexity of living systems ( can even a shovel of soil be duplicated in the lab?), and that they are impossible to understand from outside without super sensible knowledge.
Permaculture, originated with Bill Mollison an Australian, and promotes a whole systems approach to managing the cultivation of human habitats in order to take advantage of the huge creative power of the natural world to sustain life. Organic cultivation of native plants and animals is emphasized.
Anthroposophy, originated by Rudolf Steiner, Austrian enlightened Christian initiate and master teacher, provides a clear road map for humanity's spiritual awakening through an unconditionally loving use of our imaginative and inspirational super sensible intellect.
Findhorn, founded by Eileen and Peter Caddy in northern Scotland, is the co-creative collaboration of humans and the Devic and Angelic realms in growing plants and community from the spirit into the physical. It is the original modern spiritual Eco-village.
These four developed impulses are the inspirational touchstones and teachers for Ecosophy Community and its mission to "nourish and sustain the soul growth of humanity through wisdom in dwelling".
Deep Ecology, developed originally by Norwegian philosopher Arne Naes, is the practical study of the inter-connectedness of all life which lead to the Gaea Hypothesis from biologists. It points to the incredible complexity of living systems ( can even a shovel of soil be duplicated in the lab?), and that they are impossible to understand from outside without super sensible knowledge.
Permaculture, originated with Bill Mollison an Australian, and promotes a whole systems approach to managing the cultivation of human habitats in order to take advantage of the huge creative power of the natural world to sustain life. Organic cultivation of native plants and animals is emphasized.
Anthroposophy, originated by Rudolf Steiner, Austrian enlightened Christian initiate and master teacher, provides a clear road map for humanity's spiritual awakening through an unconditionally loving use of our imaginative and inspirational super sensible intellect.
Findhorn, founded by Eileen and Peter Caddy in northern Scotland, is the co-creative collaboration of humans and the Devic and Angelic realms in growing plants and community from the spirit into the physical. It is the original modern spiritual Eco-village.
These four developed impulses are the inspirational touchstones and teachers for Ecosophy Community and its mission to "nourish and sustain the soul growth of humanity through wisdom in dwelling".
Monday, July 16, 2007
What is Ecosophy Community?
Ecosophy Community is living inspired by my soul's knowing that I am a spirit being who has chosen this earthly experience for the purpose of realizing my loving cosmic nature through conscious heart felt collaboration with all seen and unseen life. My inspired human life experiences the material aspect of the universe as a continual synchronous miracle of awakening in wonder and gratitude. This necessarily changes my common everyday thoughts/actions/meetings into a spiraling continuum of evolution in the most universal sense.
Allow me to explain that the personal pronoun, I, as it is used here is meant to be the cosmic I of oneness with the creative concsiousness of God. The cosmic I is experienced in the inspired human life. This deserves personal responsibility because of the will forces that must be continually focused to maintain the reverential attitude required for such unconditional loving warmth. This is what Christ Jesus meant by, "Love God With all your heart, and all your soul , and all your might", and "Love your neighbor as your self". Love God, Love Self, Love Neighbor. Loving God/Self/Neighbor is the inspired human life, because it is conscious collaboration with all seen and unseen life - transforming that personal pronoun into the cosmic I.
In living the inspired human life of the cosmic I, I am able to allow my reliance upon the physical body to die as the preferred answer to the questions of survival. The infinite life of the spirit nourishes my body with perfect wisdom when my will is directed by unconditioned Love of God/Self/Neighbor and mear survival becomes unfettered thriving.
Unconditional Love creates universal collaboration in my inspired human life because it allows me to awaken the fullness of human potential within me personally and in humanity at large as it bridges the perceived separation between God/Self/Neighbor.
Next? How does Deep Ecology, Permaculture, Anthroposophy, and Findhorn create Ecosophy Community?
Friday, July 13, 2007
Creating the building "grade"
Today we are beginning the process of creating a level site that composed of a material that is stable enough to support the weight of the building and allow the site to drain ground water away from and in this case under the construction. The site slopes very gradually to the east/southeast at the rate of about 6" in 20 feet. The earth is composed of a fine sandy slightly clay loam between LARGE ( 1 ton ) limestone slabs.
Rather than dig trenches and fill them with concrete, severing tree roots, disturbing the soil ecology and its natural aquifer recharge matrix ,and generating the destructive battleground of heavy machinery stink, noise, mud, and broken trees... we form a pad.
A pad with permeability from earth through to the dwelling's interior that allows the subtle planetary life forces to" breathe" the home.
The pad is first composed of large limestone rocks dug straight from an ancient bed and uncrushed. These are spread 6" to 1foot deep and bring the circular site to approximate level, stabilizing the surface for a layer of smaller "road base" rock, sand, and soil mix that will be graded smooth to a dead level surface suitable for laying the block walls on.
The large limestone slab seen in the photo has been raised a couple feet and rotated 45 degrees to become an entry threshold. Although it required about 8 hours total to accomplish this, the 1 ton stone was naturally positioned at the entrance of the dwelling suggesting the possibility of a powerful energetic anchor for the space, should we be up to the job required of our will forces to raise, rotate, and level the rock to build the structure around.
Yes, it is the limestone slab's elevation and position that will now dictate the rest of the dwelling's orientation! And now the foundation pad will be spread out accordingly.
Rather than dig trenches and fill them with concrete, severing tree roots, disturbing the soil ecology and its natural aquifer recharge matrix ,and generating the destructive battleground of heavy machinery stink, noise, mud, and broken trees... we form a pad.
A pad with permeability from earth through to the dwelling's interior that allows the subtle planetary life forces to" breathe" the home.
The pad is first composed of large limestone rocks dug straight from an ancient bed and uncrushed. These are spread 6" to 1foot deep and bring the circular site to approximate level, stabilizing the surface for a layer of smaller "road base" rock, sand, and soil mix that will be graded smooth to a dead level surface suitable for laying the block walls on.
The large limestone slab seen in the photo has been raised a couple feet and rotated 45 degrees to become an entry threshold. Although it required about 8 hours total to accomplish this, the 1 ton stone was naturally positioned at the entrance of the dwelling suggesting the possibility of a powerful energetic anchor for the space, should we be up to the job required of our will forces to raise, rotate, and level the rock to build the structure around.
Yes, it is the limestone slab's elevation and position that will now dictate the rest of the dwelling's orientation! And now the foundation pad will be spread out accordingly.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
These photos capture the undisturbed building site from five directions. On Friday, July 13, the "bull rock", 3"-5" size grade base that serves as the foundation for the building will be layed and brought to level. Then a layer of smaller gravel will be used to create a "dead level" surface on which the 6"x8"x20" white limestone blocks will be layed and stacked to create the 7' tall spiraling wall of the building.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Reciprocal Spiral Soul Nest
Ecosophy Community : (Where deep ecology, permaculture,Anthroposophy, and Findhorn meet. Nourishing the soul growth of humanity through wisdom in dwelling.) brings Dr. Karen Rayne a home for the soul.
Dr. Rayne has commissioned a 380 round foot office/guest space for a property that she and her husband own in South View Estates in South west Travis County, just outside the city near the Austin Waldorf School.
The building is a limestone block walled spiral with a burnished clay floor, and a living roof supported by reciprocal framed joists of native cedar poles decked with Southern Yellow Pine, tar paper, a layer of bentonite clay (to water proof), and one foot or so of cedar mulch for insulation. The building is heated with a small "Rocket" wood stove, naturally cooled and ventilated and has a small back up AC. It is naturally lit with a central pent angular glass cupola and many insulated windows well shaded by the generous curving eaves. There is a self contained composting toilet, and the shower, bathroom and kitchen sinks, each drain independently for absorption into different portions of the native landscape.
The living geometry embodied in the building awaken the cognition of self awareness. The combination of unobstructed natural resonance of earth and sky nourishing the soul with ancient cosmic wisdom communicated through those frequencies that our DNA has evolved to rely upon through out the history of our race.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Reciprocal Roof
This is a model of a reciprocal roof I am designing for a limestone spiral office space in Austin, Texas.
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